yikes, it's been a while, no? i was in connecticut last weekend for the wedding of taybin's sister anja. it was an amazing, almost totally DIY craft wedding, culminating with the cake (made by taybin + anja's mom, of course) being driven to the barn on the back of a tractor. pics will be posted as soon as taybin loads them, as we only had one working camera battery between us. i'll save the complete coverage of the wedding for when the visual aids arrive, but the other cute thing that happened was that taybin and i became foster parents to a little orphaned field mouse!
his name is huck, he's a little bigger than a strawberry, and he loves apples! he actually arrived at the house of some friends in the box carrying anja's wedding flowers. he was released into the yard, but was a little too young to feed and care for himself. so we put him in a little box and took him home. i had some reservations about toying with nature, but then i read online that mice have a much longer lifespan in captivity than in the wild. also, we hand feed him apples, so i think he'll he happy with us. pics to be posted when he stops hiding from me.